Mirna Martínez for Board of Education
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
– William Butler Yeats
THE DAY: "Mirna Martinez, Green Party (cross-endorsed by Republicans). Knowledgeable, committed, enthusiastic are some of the adjectives that describe Ms. Martinez. A dual-language teacher who has set her career aside to raise two children, she remains active in youth programs in the city.
A co-founder of New London Parent Advocates, her priorities include working to better involve parents and families in city schools. With a teacher's eye, she wants a superintendent who can balance the need for core educational standards without inhibiting the creativity a teacher needs to be effective. Martinez would be a great asset to the board." Full article
Southeastern Connecticut Central Labor Council (SCCLC): "The Southeastern Connecticut Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO is pleased to announce that we have endorsed you in the upcoming election. Thank you for taking the time to attend our interviews.
We wish you success in the election.
We will be doing press releases for you and you may use our endorsement as you feel would benefit to help with your re-election/election."
Letter to the Editor: Mirna Martinez would help NL schools soar
Mongi Dhaouadi, New London
Looking at the New London Board of Education candidates, Mirna Martinez soars above the rest. I usually shy away from endorsements, but this time I make an exception.
New London will be better served by Mirna on its board. She is a parent, teacher, and community member who cares about our city's students. Mirna and I co-founded the New London Parent Advocates because we believe that in order for our schools to overcome the challenges of the time, parents must be included in all stages of any solution plans.
She is thoughtful, professional, resourceful; three qualities that make for a successful public servant in any city, especially during tough times. If you have the chance to speak to her, you won't get the usual sound bites that politicians memorize.
Rather, you will be pleasantly surprised by a genuine, insightful, and fact-based analysis of the current situation in our schools, coupled with a set of innovative and well-researched initiatives that would lead us to a brighter future. For so long New London voters were deprived from real choices. This year, we have the chance to elect a group of leaders who would make our schools among the best in the region. Martinez is on the top of the list.
Bilingual teacher in Boston, NYC and New London
Co-founder of New London Parent Advocates (NLPA)
Youth Program director for F.R.E.S.H. New London (Food: Resources, Education, Security, Health)
Member of C.U.R.E. (Citizens United for a Renaissance in Education)
Ensuring that the conversion to an all magnet school district truly addresses the educational needs and priorities of our New London students.
Involving families and community members in our schools to foster ownership and give them a voice that raises the bar on the quality of education in New London.
Creating educational policies that encourage creativity in the classroom, building on students’ innate curiosity rather than teaching to the test.
Ensuring that the direction of our developing schools emerges from working collaboratively with teachers, to benefit from the great base of knowledge and experience that they collectively bring to our schools.
Reducing class size to narrow the opportunity gap and invest in our students’ futures.
Creating a collaborative, respectful school environment that proactively addresses bullying.
Prioritizing school spending where it will directly impact students’ school experience and the quality of education.
Phone: 917•686•1098
FB: facebook.com/mirna.martinez.739978
Email: mirna@nlgreens.org