2021 Green Municipal Candidates
The New London Greens' Nominating Meeting was held on Saturday, August 28, at Bates Woods Park. Kris Wraight and Eddie Long were endorsed to run for City Council in this year's municipal election, and Keith Kimball was nominated to run for Board of Education.
Read about our Nominating Meeting in The Day
Election Day is November 2.
City Council – Kris Wraight
Kris is a restorative justice trainer and facilitator who has provided education and professional development on healthy relationships, listening circles, and anti-racism/anti-oppression. She served on the Police Community Relations Committee for 10 years and has recently been active in the People's Budget Campaign.
In order to build a strong community in New London, Kris will prioritize addressing the needs and struggles of our city's residents; building strong relationships across lines of race and ethnicity; re-envisioning public safety by supporting preventive practices, including increased mental health and social services, opportunities for affordable housing and home ownership, community spaces for our youth, and a well-funded Public Works Department to keep our streets, schools, and parks safe and clean.
City Council – Eddie Long
A New London resident and parent, Eddie currently sits on the New London Arts Council and serves as co-chair to Public Art for Racial Justice Education (PARJE).
Eddie is committed to a city government that honors the arts and the cultural creativity and vibrancy of our community. With arts-related enterprises making up nearly 50% of active downtown businesses, New London's plans for economic development need to prioritize the needs of local artists so they can continue to live, work, and showcase their talents here. Affordable residential and commercial spaces created in currently existing buildings would help keep our most creative community members in New London, and accessible mental health and addiction services would benefit all our residents.
Board of Education –Keith Kimball
In addition to his 20+ years of experience as a staff accountant for for-profit and non-profit corporations, Keith brings the perspective of proud parent of a Jennings School student and public education advocate. He has served as treasurer of diverse organizations, including Re:public Ed, The Friendship School's FFO, and Grace and Peace Church.
Keith is committed to ensuring that our all-magnet district effectively acquires and distributes funds and resources for all New London students; building our already impressive ESL program to encourage the success of our language diverse community members, and improving the timeliness and quality of communication between NLPS administration and faculty and New London parents and students.
2021 Municipal Election Results
We were disappointed this year by a low voter turnout (18%), but our first-time Green Party candidates made an impression on New Londoners throughout the election season. Many thanks to Kris, Eddie, and Keith for running strong, energetic, issue-based campaigns. They didn't win, but are continuing their involvement in New London's community and politics. Updates to come!
Here are the results from the November 2 municipal election:
City Council
Board of Education