Join the Green Party

The Green Party of the United States is a federation of state Green parties founded on the principles of environmentalism, non-violence, social justice and grassroots organizing. The New London Green Party is a chapter of the Green Party of Connecticut, and any New London resident who is a registered Green voter is automatically a member. You can register Green by submitting a Connecticut Voter Registration, answering YES to #9 "Do you wish to enroll in a political party?" then filling in "Green" on the line next to "Other." Online registration is also available at Green registration has been recognized in all Connecticut municipalities since 2006, and the New London Greens have enjoyed ballot access for City Council and Board of Education races since 2003.

New London Green Party candidates accept NO money from corporations or special interest PACs. Our candidates do welcome support from individuals, who may contribute online or by mail.


MAIL-IN CONTRIBUTIONS: Checks should be payable to New London Greens and mailed to PO Box 883, New London, CT 06320. Please complete the required disclosure form and include with any donation. Thank you!