About the New London Greens
The New London Green Party formed in 2001, when Green Party members who lived in New London split off from the Southeast Connecticut chapter in order to focus on municipal elections. The party fielded two candidates for City Council, Bob Stuller and Andy Derr, who ran on a platform that promoted community-based economics and opposed the Fort Trumbull Municipal Development Plan, which called for the use of eminent domain to clear a longstanding New London neighborhood in order to create a large development parcel. In 2003, the Green slate added Kenric Hanson, who ran for Board of Education. The New London Greens have run candidates for Council and for Board of Ed in every election since.
In 2008, the New London Greens formed a Town Committee, in order to provide continuity between elections and to reinforce the party's commitment to be involved in New London political activity. The New London Greens Town Committee includes the party officers as well as registered Green Party members who represent all neighborhoods throughout the city. The New London Green Party is also a chapter of the Green Party of Connecticut.
The New London Greens generally meet on the first Sunday of each month. All interested individuals are welcome to attend as guests. Any New London resident who is registered to vote with a Green Party affiliation is a member of the New London Green Party and may vote at the monthly meetings. If you're interested in attending a meeting, please contact us to confirm time and location.