2018 Green Party candidates

You can vote for Green Party candidates on Row F. Here's more information about some of this year's candidates. More to come!

US Congress – Michelle L. Bicking

Michelle Louise Bicking is a licensed clinical social worker, Justice of the Peace and aspiring herbalist originally from Brooklyn, New York. She is a first generation Bajan (Barbados)/Vincentian (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) American, who believes that farming is a natural extension of her role as a professional caregiver and her 20+ years of direct service experience to social and economically disenfranchised youth and families including in under city and rural communities throughout the Northeast. 

As Executive Director/Founder of Hidden Acres Farm, Michelle is looking channel her life-long commitment to service into regional projects they address opioid pandemic, including opening a trauma-informed rural mental health clinic with a focus on forging/ rebuilding connections to name spiritual life as well as to the natural world through farming. In addition to hosting agriculture-oriented seminars targeting folks of color, she is currently working on a series of regenerative agriculture projects across Connecticut.

More about Michelle Louise Bicking

CT Attorney General – Peter Goselin

"The office of Connecticut’s Attorney General is responsible for applying civil law to protect the interests of the state and its people. As a lawyer with 23 years of experience protecting, defending, and working to expand the rights of working people, I am well-qualified for the job. Many of my colleagues in the legal profession came to their professions fresh from school, with little experience in the real world. Before I ever went to law school, I had worked unloading trucks, stocking store shelves, doing data entry, and being a health care worker for people with mental illness. I know what the world looks like from the unemployment line, how it feels to be in danger of being homeless or out of a job. I have sat across the table from employers negotiating over wages and benefits for myself and my co-workers. I have argued with politicians and police officers when they tried to keep people from marching against the war. I have defended the rights of people who some say shouldn’t have rights at all.

"The people I want to help as Attorney General are the same people I have been representing my entire working life: people who are being mistreated by the police, by their employers, or by their landlords. The organizations that I think should play a role in protecting peoples’ rights are the same ones that I have represented all these years: labor unions, civil rights groups, and community organizations."

More about Peter Goselin

2018 Green Party election results

Green Party candidates ran for several positions in the 2018 elections; the following candidates, who all appeared on our local ballots, received at least 1% of the vote to retain ballot access:

Tolland resident Michelle Louise Bicking, who was nominated to run for the 2nd Congressional District seat against incumbent Representative Joe Courtney, received 1.24% of the districts' votes in a 4-way race, and 2.52% in New London.

Attorney General candidate Peter Goselin received 1.05% of the vote overall, and 2.55% in New London; his 15,000 votes received statewide assured our continued minor party recognition in Connecticut.

On the local front, the New London Greens endorsed incumbent Representative Chris Soto in the 39th district, CT Assembly; he received 6% of his votes on the Green line.

Results for other statewide candidates: Mike DeRosa for Secretary of the State (.91% overall, 2.01% in New London), Ed Heflin for Comptroller (.76% overall, 2.02% in New London), and Jeff Russell for US Senate (.48% overall, 1.22% in New London).
