Riverside Park

On Saturday, September 12, the New London Greens began their Fall 2015 clean-ups at Riverside Park, where they were joined by park advocates and community members who picked up trash, planted flowers and cleared brush in anticipation of this year's Down by the Riverside Festival. Work was followed by pizza in the amphitheater and a discussion of planned improvements in the park.

Bates Woods

On Saturday, September 26, the New London Greens hosted the second in their series of park clean-ups at Bates Woods, New London's largest open space. The event provided the opportunity to enjoy our local urban woodland, while picking up trash and clearing invasive plants.

Williams Park

On Sunday, October 4, the New London Parks Conservancy held a fall clean-up of Williams Park. New London Greens joined Conservancy members, park neighbors, USCGA cadets, and other community members as they pulled weeds and spread mulch around the park's trees and shrubs.

Greens Harbor

On Sunday, October 11, the New London Greens will host the third in their series of park clean-ups at Greens Harbor, cleaning up the park and beach on Pequot Avenue. Work will be followed by a cookout, as well as sharing of ideas about the park's role in helping manage stormwater along Pequot Avenue.