2014 CT Green Party candidates
The New London Green Party did not running candidates in local elections this year, but there are several regional and statewide candidates worth learning more about.
The New London Green Party did not running candidates in local elections this year, but there are several regional and statewide candidates worth learning more about.
Bill Clyde is a different kind of candidate running a different kind of campaign.
Bill is a father of five, economics and finance professor, and provost. He is not a politician. He is running as a candidate unaffiliated with neither major party because, like so many in the 2nd District, neither represents him well — and those parties come with strings attached.
He was proud to have been nominated as the Green Party candidate for Congress, which allows him to both represent the issues for which he's been campaigning without compromise, and champion the key values of the Green Party.
Here is Bill's interview on Thinking Green, recorded live on September 23, 2014.
"Approximately a year ago, I attended a state meeting of the Connecticut Green Party where I heard Jill Stein speak for the first time. I was inspired by her message of hope and it became clear to me that our nation desperately needs political activism to change the current system of destructive consumption and crony capitalism.
I believe that the Green Party has the values that our nation needs to progress into the next century and will grow exponentially over the coming years. I felt a personal duty to help the party in any way I could and seek the necessary changes that our country and state desperately need."
Bill Collins was on Thinking Green on October 14, 2014:
Registrars of Voters work in a single town. They maintain the voter information used to verify elligibility to vote, determine where we vote, which party if any we are affiliated with, how to reach us. They check names on petitions, handle new voter registration and changes, and organize referendums, primaries, and elections
There are 3 big categories of voters in Connecticut: Unaffiliated, Democrats and Republicans, and about 1% of voters are associated wide a wide range of minor or parties. A third registrar from outside the two-party system works can encourage participation by voters outside the large parties and help balance the office activities across the a wider spectrum of voters. Doug has extensive experience working with the Registrars in Windham: conducting outreach, analyzing data, evaluating polling locations and serving as a pollworker and election audit observer.
Doug Lary was on Thinking Green on October 7, 2014:
2014 statewide Green Party candidates to watch:
Steve Fournier – candidate for Connecticut Attorney General
Mike DeRosa – candidate for Connecticut Secretary of State
Rolf Maurer – candidate for Connecticut Comptroller