The 2022 Green Party Candidates
Governor/Lt. Governor (write-in) - Michelle Bicking & Cassandra Martineau
Attorney General - Ken Krayeske
US Congress, 1st district - Mary Sanders
US Congress, 2nd district - Kevin Blacker
US Congress, 3rd district - Justin Paglino
State Senate, 1st district - Michael Oretade
State Senate, 29th district - Jean de Smet
State Senate, 34th district - David Bedell
State Representative, 35th district - Hugh Birdsall
Registrar of Voters, East Hampton - Brian Gay
Registrar of Voters, Essex - Keith Foster
Registrar of Voters, Windham - Doug Lary
Registrar of Voters, Wolcott - Sherri Conroy
Ballots for the November 8 Election
The Secretary of the State has begun posting sample ballots for the upcoming election; find your town's ballot here.
For New Londoners, ballots for the 1st and 2nd voting districts (polling at New London High School and Harbor School):
How to vote write-in for Michelle+Cass