A Medicare for All resolution in NL
On Monday, February 3, 2020, the New London City Council passed Resolution 020320-1, in support of a national single payer healthcare system similar to what has been proposed in HR 1384 and SB 1129, which have been introduced in Congress.
New London Greens Frida Berrigan, Andrew Lopez, and Ronna Stuller, working with a broad coalition of New Londoners and advocates throughout the state, presented the resolution, which was placed on the January 19 City Council agenda and subsequently referred to the Public Welfare Committee. Committee members unanimously voted to bring the proposal to a full City Council vote.
Councilor James Burke added a friendly amendment to the original resolution, proposing that, upon approval, it would be forwarded to members our our Congressional delegation: Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chriss Murphy, and Rep. Joe Courtney. The resolution passed unanimously as amended, making New London the first municipality in Connecticut to go on record as supporting universal healthcare over industry profits.
For more information about the issue, the video "Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point" is an excellent introduction that can be viewed online.