Get-together at Bates Woods on 5/19

In lieu of a regular business meeting, the New London Greens got together at Bates Woods for a picnic and park walk on Sunday, May 19. We took a walk through less-frequently-explored parts of the park and afterwards discussed ways to make better use, and take better care, of this wonderful resource. If you are interested in getting involved in a 'Friends of Bates Woods' advocacy group, let us know.

As always, anyone who is interested in meeting local Green party members, learning more about our party, finding a way to get involved, or working to make New London an even better place to live is welcome to attend! our meetings. Next month's has not yet been scheduled, but for more information, email us at

Help get the Green Party on the Presidential ballot in 2024!

Do you want to see more choices in this year's federal elections? Would you like to have a candidate for President who supports universal healthcare, foreign policy that promotes peace and global human rights, job creation that focuses on green industries, and an inclusive democracy that empowers the full spectrum of US voters?

Furthermore, getting a Presidential candidate on the ballot is the first step to regaining our minor party status in Connecticut, which would allow every voter in the state to register Green Party.

Between now and July 31, our first goal is to submit 7,500 valid signatures on our petition to place candidates for President/Vice President and US Senator on the 2024 ballot. We can accomplish this, but need your help.

We have petitions in hand, but still need volunteers. If you are willing and able to help gather signatures, please contact the Ballot Access Team or call Ronna at 860-772-8439. We will provide all the materials you need and guide you from there, and you can choose how much time and energy you can commit to: whether it's getting a few signatures from family and friends or petitioning at large events or other busy locations, your help is invaluable.

NL Board and Commission openings

New Londoners have a long history of community service through becoming active members of City boards, agencies, commissions, committees, and authorities, and participation by Green Party members is strongly encouraged. Board members are appointed by City Council or by the Mayor, and many have requirements for minority party representation.

A list of New London boards and agencies can be found here.

The application to join a city board or agency can be found here.